Of the several shows celebrating the fourtieth anniversary of Marianne Heller's Heidelberg Gallery,
"The Art of Japanese Porcelain" will certainly be the highlight. From November 25, 2018 to January
20, 2019, Marianne Heller, in her eighth cooperation with the Japanese YUFUKU Gallery, will present
works of some of the most prominent ceramic artists of contemporary Japan:
Akihiro Maeta (*1954, Living National Treasure since 2013) His white vessels are almost
entirely formed and faceted by hand into objects of serenely simple beauty.
Shigekazu Nagae (*1953) Thin bands of cast procelain are combined to abstract shapes which,
being glazed, stick together in the firing where they touch, allowing the material to react
to the heat independent of the maker's influence.
Yoshinori Ohno (*1978) Thrown on the wheel, his vessels are cut and shaved into geometrically
controlled shapes of cristalline appearance.
Masaru Nakada (*1977) Extremely fine lines carved into a surface of layered glazes on tall
cylindrical vessels are the characteristic element of Nakada's works.
Yoko Imada (*1971) Her beautifully delicate vessels are solidly based in the tradition of East
Asian porcelain.
Yasutaka Baba (*1991)
After Far East Meets West (2009) and Porcelain at its Finest (2011) this show will again
present masterpieces of Japanese ceramic artists. It will be opened by Rupert Faulkner, Ph.D.,
Head of the Asian Department of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London .